Cali-Nev-Ha District | Region 3 | Division 30 South
Key Club is not about making the keys to doors, but about making the keys to unlock an intrinsic drive that will lead many to serve this community. Key Club is seen as "just a volunteering club", but it's so much more than just that...
a message from whitney key club's president
What's Poppin’ Whitney! I wanted to officially welcome you all to the 2022-2023 term! With last year being partially virtual, we are so excited to see what wonderful in-person events we are able to bring. From general meetings to DCMs, there are so many opportunities to branch out and meet passionate key clubbers from all over the Anaheim area. However, the success of the term is always determined by our amazing members and their dedicated service to the community. As a result, I want to encourage every one of our members to come out to at least one DCM this term to see what the division is like and all the opportunities it can offer. I am so proud of how last term played out with Whitney Key Club, as always, earning multiple high-achieving awards at DCON. From myself to the past cabinet, we would like to thank you all for such an amazing year of service. However I believe that there is so much more to look forward to this term and our successes can only increase.
Here are some events to look forward to this term:
July DCM: Beach Boomba
September DCM: Colorfest
October DCM: Officer Training Conference
Fall Rally South (November)
Operation: Christmas (December)
Lock-in (December)
Rose Float Decorating (December)
January DCM: Conclave
Banquet (March)
DCON (April)
Keep serving and making a difference in our community!
Shinin’ with Service,
Jerrick Wu
Whitney Key Club | President '22-'23
Division 30 South | Region 3 | Cali-Nev-Ha
more than just service
We do not make keys, but we do open doors!
Key Club is an international organization led entirely by high school students. The organization itself is focused on service and helping your community; however, it is what the people within it do that make this organization solely based around service, a second family to many.